TotiFIT - Missouri 911 Fitness Challenge


More Info

Hello, I'm Coach Shay. I look
forward to seeing you at this
year's Challenge If you have
any questions please don't
hesitate to contact me.
p: 845-475-7797


12th Annual 911 FITNESS CHALLENGE 2010

The 911 Fitness Challenge is a Weight Loss Contest for the Public Safety Population to LOSE FAT and GAIN MUSCLE as a TEAM.  This approach promotes TEAMWORK and Camaraderie. 


TotiFIT has partnered with 911 Fitness since 2003 to bring the 911 Fitness Challenge to Missouri. We have met so many great people over the years. We sincerely hope you will join us this year for another great event.


For the most up to date information regarding the Fitness Challenge be sure you visit Also, be sure to register for their newsletter. To ensure you are kept abreast of anything happening in Missouri and to be on the "inside track" to success be sure you have registered for the TotiFIT 911 Newsletter.


This year TotiFIT is excited to host the weigh-in at "A Gathering Place Wellness Education Center" (AGP) on Saturday January 9th. Exact times to be announced. Please contact Coach Shay to schedule your Team. AGP's address is 12131 Dorsett Road, Suite 101 Maryland Heights, MO 63043 View Google Map

The 911 Fitness Challenge is endorsed by Past President of the International Association of Chief’s of Police (IACP), Chief William Berger, as well as the Past Chairman of the President’s Council on Physical Fitness, Arnold Schwarznegger. The International Association of Firefighters (I.A.F.F.) and Fraternal Order of Police (F.O.P.) also endorse the 911 Fitness Challenge. (back to top)

The 2010 will be the best CHALLENGE ever! 

911 Fitness TV is looking for competitors who want to guests on the weekly tele-seminars to share your successful experiences in Exercise, Nutrition and Motivation.  More to come..(back to top)


Eligibility requires team members to be Active or Retired Police, Firefighters, Paramedics, EMS, Military, Corrections, Nurses, Physicians and the SPOUSES, ALL CIVILIANS who work for 911 Agencies, including staff, communications dispatchers, etc.  for any of these occupations that fall under the 911 responder category.    (back to top)


Team Registration

Team Captains will be responsible for registering their Teams. Applications are available on-line at or and select Fitness Challenge, then Registration Application.   If you don't have access to the Internet, you may call Fitness Commitment Institute (305-297-5328) to receive an application via your FAX.  

Registration Cost is $49.00 USD per person.  Teams consist of 3, 4, or 5 member teams. 
Following Registration

Once you are registered, the Team Captain will receive a package containing a Goody Bag for each of the team members. The Goody Bag is a DUFFY BAG which will contain the NEW & IMPROVED 911 Workout / Diet Journal, 911 T-Shirt & goodies from our sponsors. The Bag will also contain a BODY FAT form. You need this form to record your Body Fat & Weight measurements in January, which will be assessed by an authorized trainer at any 911 Fitness Authorized location. The 911 trainer will fax the form to the Challenge Staff, then return the form to you to save for the second Body Fat measurements in April. (back to top)


*Official St. Louis weigh-in Saturday January 9th at A Gathering Place 12131 Dorsett Road, Suite 101 Maryland Heights, MO 63043 View Google Map Times to be announced. Be sure to schedule your Team with Coach Shay

Team Photo

You must record your Team Photo either one week before or after the weigh-in/out. The Team Photo must include a sign with your Team NAME on an 8 X 10 White Sign with Large Bold Letters. Your Team name must be Fitness and or 911 related.  (back to top)


The NEW & IMPROVED 911 Exercise & Nutrition Journal
a comprehensive Plan to help you maximize your improvement,
both with Exercise and Nutrition. 


Body Fat Testing & Weigh-in

The Trainers will conduct a 3-Site skin-fold measurement with Calipers and weigh you general body weight. It will be documented on the official 911 body fat form.   (back to top)


Winning Teams

The Team member's data will be entered and averaged to receive a Team Score. That score will be compared with other Teams for final determination of the Team with the greatest improvement. The WINNING Teams will be notified via certified mail and telephone.   

Challenge Registration proceeds benefit the Shriner's Hospitals for Children. These Hospitals provide FREE services to Children, including surgeries, therapy and equipment. The hospitals are funded from private donations from Corporations and Individuals. Children who visit have physical disabilities, such as Cerebral Palsy, MS, or have severe burn injuries.  (back to top)


Everybody Wins!

Fitness Challenge Participants ultimately learn and experience how to improve their fitness level, compete with their peers, friends and family and contribute to the welfare of children who struggle with physical disabilities. Every person, however they are involved is a winner. Take the 911 Fitness Challenge.  

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| ©2009-2010 TotiFIT and 911 Fitness